Cost Per Click

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CPC. The amount of money an advertiser pays to a website publisher every time a visitor clicks on an advert displayed on the publisher’s website which links to the advertisers website.

Cost To Serve

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An accounting/business/strategy term and method of analysis which calculates the total costs of product/service provision for a particular customer, or potentially for a broader customer grouping. This method of profitability analysis shifts all indirect costs to be directcosts (directly attributable, as used, per customer), and thereby enables greater clarity in assessing strategy and priorities than […]


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Part of a business or organisation such as a marketing department, or quality assurance department, which is a cost to operations and does not produce external customer revenues or profit through trading. See Profit-centre, which trades with external customers and is responsible for producing profit.

Cottage Industry

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A small business in which production of goods or services are based in the home rather than in a factory or on business premises.


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In a court of law, a claim made against you (plaintiff) by the person (defendant) you are making a claim against.


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A person or position which has a corresponding function in a different organization, country, etc. The corresponding function naturally is also a counterpart. Also a copy of a legal document.


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To add a second signature, where required, to a document or cheque, in order to make it valid.

Countervailing Duty

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An additional tax imposed on certain imported goods which have been produced very cheaply in their country of origin, in order to bring the price of the goods up to the true market price to protect the importing country’s producers.


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A person who carries and delivers messages, documents, packages, etc., often between companies. A person employed by a travel company as a tourist guide.