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Lack of honesty or integrity. Illegal behaviour, such as bribery, by people in positions of authority, e.g. politicians.

Cost Accounting

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Managerial accounting which calculates, records and controls the operating costs of producing goods or services.

Cost Control

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A management process which ensures that departments within a company or organisation do not exceed their budget.

Cost Effective

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Producing a product, offering a service, etc., in the most economical way to the benefit of the company and the customer.

Cost Leader

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A company which has a competitive advantage by producing goods or offering services at a lower cost than its competitors.

Cost Of Living

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The standard cost of basic necessities which people need to live, such as food, housing and clothes.

Cost Of Sales

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Also known as Cost Of Goods Sold (COGS). The cost of providing a service or manufacturing a product, including labour, materials and overheads.