Core Earnings

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A company’s revenue which is earned from its main operations or activities minus expenses, such as financing costs, asset sales, etc.

Corporate Advertising

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Also called Institutional Advertising. Advertising that promotes a company’s image, rather than marketing its products or services.

Corporate Hospitality

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Entertainment provided by companies in order to develop good relationships with its employees, customers, other businesses, etc.

Corporate Ladder

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The order of rank, position, etc., in a company from junior to senior, which can be progressed or ‘climbed’ by employees.

Corporate Raider

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A term used for an individual or company who purchases large numbers of shares in other companies, against their wishes, in order to gain a controlling interest in the other companies, or to resell the shares for a large profit.

Corporate Social Responsibility

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CSR. An obligation of a company to adhere to legal guidelines in order to meet the needs of its employees, shareholders and customers, and also to be concerned about social and environmental issues.

Corporate Veil

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A term which refers to the fact that a company’s shareholders are not liable for the company’s debts, and are immune from lawsuits concerning contracts, etc.


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A large company or a group of companies which is legally authorised to act as a single entity, separate from its owners, with its liabilities for damages, debts, etc., limited to its assets so that its shareholders and owners are protected from personal claims.

Corporation Tax

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A tax which limited companies and other organisations, such as societies, clubs, associations, etc., pay on their profits after adjustments for certain allowances.