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An individual who uses goods and services but who may not have been the purchaser.

Consumer Credit

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Also called Personal Credit or Retail Credit. Loans given to consumers by financial institutions for household or personal use.

Consumer Debt

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Money owed by people in the form of loans from banks or purchase agreements from retailers, such as ‘buy now pay later’.-

Consumer Panel

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A group of selected people, usually a cross-section of a population, whose purchasing habits are monitored by an organization, in order to provide feedback on products, services, etc., which are used.

Consumer Price Index

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CPI. A measure of inflation which involves regularly monitoring the change in price for everyday goods and services purchased by households.

Consumer Protection

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Laws which protect consumers against unsafe or defective products, deceptive marketing techniques, dishonest businesses, etc.

Consumer Watchdog

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An independent organization that protects the rights of individual customers and monitors companies to check for illegal practices.


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A situation in which the price of a commodity to be delivered in the future exceeds the immediate delivery price, often due to storage and insurance costs.