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An employee of e.g. an hotel who provides a service to guests, such as handling luggage, delivering mail and messages, making tour reservations, etc.


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To bring two disputing sides together to discuss the problem with the aim of reaching an agreement.


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In publishing, a concordance is an alphabetical list of the key words from a text showing their meanings. Concordances are rare in old large books because of the time and effort required to compile them, but more commonly arise in modern computer-generated applications. A concordance is a sort of cross-referenced index, but in (sometimes very […]

Conditional Sale

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A purchasing arrangement, usually where the buyer pays in instalments but does not become the legal owner of the goods until the full purchase price has been paid.


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A corporation which consists of several smaller companies with different business activities.


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In law, a guardian or protector appointed by a court to manage the affairs, finances, etc., of someone who is too ill or incapable of doing so themselves.


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A group of businesses, investors or financial institutions working together on a joint venture.

Constructive Spending

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Helping the local economy by buying home produced goods, holidaying in your own country, etc., rather than buying imported goods and holidaying abroad.


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An expert who is paid by a company, individual, etc., to give advice on developing plans and achieving goals.