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Ready made pictures of computerised graphic art which can be copied by computer users to add to their own documents.


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An arrangement between different airlines in which they all agree to carry passengers on the same flight using their own flight numbers.


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Forcing someone, by some method or other, to do something or abstain from doing something against their will.

Combined Ratio

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In insurance, a way of measuring how much profit has been made by comparing the amount of money received from customers to the amount paid out in claims and expenses.

Commercial Paper

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An unsecured and unregistered short-term agreement in which organizations can borrow money from investors who cannot take the assets from the organization if the loan is not repaid.


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In finance, a payment based on percentage of transaction value, according to the local interpretation of value (e.g., based on total revenue, or gross profit, etc).-

Companies House

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A government agency in the UK which is responsible for collecting and storing information about limited companies. The companies must file annual accounts or face penalties.