Voluntary Liquidation

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A situation where the owners/directors of a solvent company decide to cease business, sell the company’s assets and pay all the creditors.

Voting Shares

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Called Voting Stock in the US. A company share which gives the shareholder the right to vote on matters regarding company policy, etc.

Wage Differential

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The difference in wage rates between different types of worker, often those with similar jobs but who work in different regions of a country, have different skills, hours of work, etc.

Wage Drift

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A situation when basic rates of pay are not as high as levels of wages actually paid. This is often because of increases in overtime, bonuses, profit share, etc.


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A formal statement in which someone gives up a right or privilege.

Walk Back The Cat

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A metaphor for troubleshooting. When something goes wrong, the situation is analysed in chronological order to find out when the problem happened and why, and correct mistakes so they don’t happen again. Like when a cat unravels a ball of string and you have to rewind the twisted yarn to find the flaw.

Wall Street

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A street in Lower Manhattan where the New York Stock Exchange and financial centre is situated.