Vicarious Liability
Having legal responsibility for the actions of another, e.g. the liabilty of an organisation for the actions of its employees.
Having legal responsibility for the actions of another, e.g. the liabilty of an organisation for the actions of its employees.
A slang term, also abbreviated to vig, for the commission or fee charged by a bookmaker or casino on a wager. Also the interest on a loan from a loan shark or unregulated loan provider. The term is Yiddish (Jewish) deriving from the Russian word vyigrysh, meaning winnings.
Also known as Word Of Mouth. An advertising and marketing technique which encourages people to pass on information about a product, etc., often by e-mail or from one Internet website to another.
On a computer, a technique of simulating additional memory by moving data between the computers memory and a hard disk.
A computer program with a hidden code, designed to infect a computer without the owners knowledge, and which causes harm to the computer or destroys data, etc.
An occupation for which a person is strongly suited and/or to which they are dedicated.
Relating to an occupation for which a person has undergone special training or has special skills.
Technology which allows computers, mobile phones, etc., to be operated by being spoken to.
A contract, agreement, document, etc., which is no longer valid or legal.
A situation in which a debtor voluntary files for bankruptcy because they cannot pay their creditors.