Venture Capital

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Money invested in a new business which is expected to make a lot of profit but which also involves considerable risk.

Vertical Equity

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A concept of economic fairness, for example people who are better off should contribute more taxes than those who are less well off.

Vertical Integration

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A situation in which a company acquires one or more of the companies which are involved in the production or distribution processes of its goods/services, for example a brewer which buys a pub chain, or a clothing retailer which buys a knitwear factory.

Vested Interest

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When an individual, business or group has a special interest in something, such as property, an activity, etc., from which there is a personal or financial gain.


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Latin for ‘I Forbid’. To vote against. The right to block a law, etc.

Vexatious Litigant

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A person or party who regularly brings unsustainable lawsuits against another party in order to harass or annoy them.