Vacancy Rate

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The percentage of unoccupied rental space or units, e.g hotel rooms, compared to total available rental area at a given time.


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Legally or formally acceptable or binding. Unexpired, e.g. a passport.

Value Engineering

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In manufacturing, a method of producing a product at the lowest price but without sacrificing quality, safety, etc., and at the same time meeting the customers needs.

Value Investor

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An investor who buys shares, etc., which they believe to be underpriced, in order to make a profit by selling them when they price rises.

Value Share

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A share, etc., which is considered to be underpriced and is therefore a good investment prospect.

Valued Policy

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An insurance policy in which the insurer agrees to pay a claim for a specified amount in the event of loss, damage, etc., for items insured, such as works of art.


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Term used to describe computer software which is advertised before it has been, and may never be, developed, often to damage sales of a competitor’s product which has already been launched.

Variable Cost

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In business, costs which vary according to the changes in activity, production, etc. of the company, such as overheads, labour and material costs.