Unlimited Company

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In the UK, a company whose owners have unlimited liability, e.g. if the company goes into liquidation the owners are required to raise the funds to pay the company’s debts.

Unlimited Liability

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The obligation of a company’s owners or partners to pay all the company’s debts, even if personal assets have to be used.

Unofficial Strike

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Also known as a Wildcat Strike. A form of industrial action which does not have the approval or permission of a trade union.

Unsystematic Risk

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Also called Residual Risk. The risk that can affect a company’s share prices, production, etc., such as a sudden strike by employees.


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On a computer, to return files to their original size after they have been compressed.


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To transfer data or programs from a smaller computer, camera, etc., or a computer at a remote location, to a larger computer system.


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A sales technique in which the salesperson tries to persuade the customer to purchase more expensive and/or more goods than they originally intended.