
Posted on

A group of separate companies or nations which together agree to control prices and not compete against each other. Also known as a Price Ring.

Cash Cow

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A steady dependable source of income which provides money for the rest of a business.

Cash Flow Forecast

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Also called Cash Flow Projection. An estimate of the amounts of cash outgoings and incomings of a company over a specific time period, usually one year.

Casting Vote

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The deciding vote cast by the presiding officer to resolve a deadlock when there are an equal number of votes on both sides.

Cattle Call

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Term used in the entertainment industry for a large number of actors, etc., who are all auditioning for the same job.

Caveat Emptor

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When the buyer takes the risks and is responsible for checking the condition or quality of the item purchased. (Latin – Let the buyer beware)

Central Counterparty

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Acts on behalf of both parties in a transaction, so that the buyer and seller do not have to deal with each other directly.