Trade War

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A conflict between countries in which each country puts up trade barriers in order to restrict or damage the others trade.


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TM. A symbol, logo, word or phrase which is used exclusively by a company, individual, etc., so their products or services can be easily identified, A Trademark cannot legally be used by anyone else.


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An innovator or pioneer. An individual or company who is the first to do or discover something, and leads where others follow.


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Describes part of a loan, investment, etc., which is a portion of the whole amount.

Transfer Deed

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Also called Deed Of Transfer. A legal document which shows that the ownership of property, land, etc., has been changed from its legal owner to another party who now legally owns it.


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Multinational. Refers to businesses, organisations, etc., which operate in or between several countries.


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A person in a company, organisation, club, etc., who is responsible for the management of funds and accounts.

Trial Offer

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A temporary offer by a company usually aimed at first-time buyers in which a customer can try a product or service free or at discounted rates for a short period of time.