Tax Exile

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A person or business who chooses to leave a country to reside or operate in another country, usually called a Tax Haven, where taxes are much lower or there aren’t any.

Tax Lien

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The right of a tax authority to claim assets belonging to a company or individual who default on tax payments.

Teaser Ad

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A brief advertisement which reveals only a little bit of information about a product, usually not yet available, in order to arouse widespread interest.

Teaser Rate

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A low rate of interest, for example on a mortgage, loan, credit card, etc., which is below the going market rate and available for only a short period of time in order to attract borrowers.


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A person who is very knowledgable, or an expert, in technology, especially computing.

Technical Analyst

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A stock market analyst who uses charts and computer programs to study investments in order to predict the future of share prices, etc.

Technical Support

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A service provided by the vendor of technology products, such as computers, mobile phones, televisions, etc., which the purchaser can use if they need help using the product.


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A conference involving two or more people at different locations, using telecommunications equipment, such as computers, video, telephone, etc.