Capital Flight

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The sudden movement of money from one country or investment to another in order to reduce risk, such as high inflation, or to increase profit.

Capitalization Issue

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When a company converts its spare profits into shares, which are then distributed to existing shareholders in proportion to the amount of shares they already hold.


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When an economic system of a country is controlled and profited by private individuals and corporations, rather than the government.

Carbon Credit

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Allows the right to emit a measured amount of harmful gases, such as carbon dioxide, into the air, and can be traded between businesses and countries.

Carey Street

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To be heavily in debt or bankrupt. Originates from Carey Street in London where the bankruptcy court was situated.


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A shipment of goods which, typically by weight, qualifies for a lower shipping rate. The term ‘Less than carload’ refers to a shipment which is below the given size/weight necessary to qualify for such a rate. The term originated from USA railway freight car transportation and also applies to other methods of freight transport, notably […]


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An international official permit which allows you to take certain goods, e.g. for display or demonstration, into another country, duty free, for a specific period – usually 12 months.

Carpet Bomb

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To send an advertisement to a large number of people by e-mail or onto their computer screens.