Sub Judice

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Term used when a legal case is currently under trial or is being considered by a judge, and any information about the case must not be disclosed to the public.

Subliminal Advertising

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An illegal form of advertising. An image which is flashed onto a screen, usually for about one second, or a message played at low volume, that can influence the person watching or listening but they are not aware of what they have seen and/or heard.


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Someone who is lower in rank than another person, and is subject to the authority of a manager, etc. Less important.

Succession Planning

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The process of identifying suitable employees who can be trained and prepared to replace senior staff when their positions become vacant.


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An official document which orders a person to appear in court to answer a complaint against them.

Sunk Cost

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A company’s past expenditures which cannot be recovered, and should not be taken into account when planning future projects.

Sunset Provision

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Also called Sunset Clause. A provision which states that a particular law or regulation will expire on a certain date unless further action is taken to extend it.