Stealth Marketing

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Also known as Buzz Marketing. A method of advertising a product where customers don’t realise they are being persuaded to buy something, e.g., people recommending a product on Internet Chat Forums, without others realising that the person actually works for the company or manufacturer selling the product.

Steering Committee

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Also called Steering Group. A group of people who are responsible for monitoring a company’s operations or project progress, by ensuring it complies with company policies, resources and costs are approved, etc.


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Also called Longshoreman. A person who works on the docks, loading and unloading cargo.

Sticker Shock

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A US term for the feeling of surprise or shock experienced by some customers when they see that the price of an item they were thinking of purchasing is much higher than they expected.


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A fixed, often modest, payment, usually made on a regular basis, to someone, e.g. an apprentice, for living expenses during a training period.


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An investor’s share of ownership in a company which entitles them to equity in the company, dividends, voting rights, etc.