Special Resolution

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In business, a resolution which must be passed by a high majority of a company’s shareholders, often 75%, as opposed to an ordinary resolution, which only requires more than 50% of the the vote.


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To be highly skilled in a particular branch of a profession, occupation, activity, etc. Developed or adapted for a particular job or task.

Specimen Signature

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An example of a person’s signature required by a bank, etc., so that it can be compared with the same person’s signature on cheques and documents.


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To risk investment in property, shares, etc., in the hope of making a profit when selling them.

Spider Food

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Key words or phrases which are placed, usually invisibly, on a web page in order to attract search engines.


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A commission paid by a manufacturer or supplier to encourage salespeople to sell their product rather than a competitors.

Spin Doctor

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A public relations official or press/media spokesperson, in government or corporate work.


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A company or individual who helps to support, usually financially, a team, an event, such as a sports meeting or concert, etc., in return for publicity or to advertise their own company or product.

Spot Check

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A random inspection or examination, often with no warning, of a sample of goods or work performance to check for quality.


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On a computer, a program used for entering, calculating and storing financial or numerical data.