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Discrimination and/or abusive behaviour towards member of the opposite sex.


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To be with someone in the workplace as they perform their job so that you can learn all about it.

Shadow Economy

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Also called Black Economy. Business activities, including illegal activities, which are carried out without government approval or regulations.


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Any of the equal units into which a company’s capital stock is divided and sold to investors.

Share Buyback

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Also known as Stock Repurchase. A situation in which a listed company buys back its own shares from shareholders.

Share Incentive Plan

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SIP. A way for employees to invest in the company for which they work. The company gives the employees shares or offers shares for them to buy, enabling the employees to receive some of the company’s profit, i.e. in dividends.

Share Index

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A list of certain companies share prices, which can be compared on a day to day basis, i.e. showing whether prices have risen or fallen.


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Also called Stockholder. An individual, business or group who legally owns one or more share in a company.