Secondary Boycott

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An organised protest to prevent or persuade a company from doing business with another company which is involved in a dispute.

Secondary Market

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On the Stock Exchange, the purchasing of shares from another investor rather than from the issuing company.

Secondary Research

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Also called Desk Research. The collating and analysis of existing data which has already been collected for another purpose often by an outside source.


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A person who works for another person , usually in an office, dealing with correspondence, filing, phone calls and other clerical duties.

Securities and Futures Authority

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SFA. Now part of the Financial Services Authority. In the UK, an organisation which regulates the trading in stocks and shares, bonds, etc., and protects investors against dishonest practices.

Securities Market(s)

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Exchange(s) where investments such a stocks and shares, etc., are traded. Traditionally and originally these exchanges were buildings containing traders and brokers, etc., whereas nowadays such trading is conducted virtually using modern communications and IT systems, usually online, so that markets and exchanges are virtual, i.e., existing mostly through connections between people and organizations and […]

Security Deposit

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A sum a buyer pays, which is not usually refundable, to protect the seller if the buyer does not complete a transaction or if a rented item gets damaged.


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The strict financial meaning of a security is a document that proves ownership of stocks, shares, bonds, etc., or other investments or financial derivatives. More loosely the term securities refers to investments generally, for example in the term ‘securities market’.-


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Money or assets set aside by a business in order to generate more profit or benefit in the future.