Scheme Of Arrangement

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In the UK, a legal agreement between a company and its shareholders and/or creditors in which the company will pay what debts it can as an alternative to bankruptcy.


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A split or division in a group into opposing factions, caused by differences of opinion.

Scorched Earth Policy

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A situation in which a company tries to prevent a hostile take over by selling off its most valuable assets, thereby making the company unattractive to a potential buyer. Derives from a military strategy of ‘leaving nothing for the enemy’ by burning crops, buildings, etc.

Screening Interview

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A brief, first interview, sometimes over the phone, with a company looking for potential job applicants. This process weeds out unsuitable applicants, and successful ones go on to the next stage of interviews.


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A moving image on a computer screen which appears when there has been no screen activity for a specific time. Screensaver programs were originally used to prevent damage to the screen.


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A certificate which entitles someone to a parcel of shares. An issue of additional shares given to existing shareholders instead of dividends.

Sealed Bid

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A bid to buy an item, or a cost estimate for a contract, which is kept secret in a sealed envelope until all the bids have been received and are opened together.

Search Engine

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Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc., are examples of Search Engines which locate, list and rank (according to various crietria and unknown algorithms) relevant websites and website content on the Internet when the user types in key words or phrases.

Secondary Action

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A sympathy strike. Action which is taken by workers in one industry in support of striking workers in a separate but related industry.