Sales Pitch

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A salespersons attempts to persuade a potential customer to buy something, often using demonstration and argument.

Sales Resistance

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The refusal of a potential customer to buy a product or service, often as a result of aggressive selling practices.

Sales Tax

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Known as VAT (Value Added Tax) in the UK. A tax based on the cost of a product or service which must be paid by the buyer. This tax does not apply to all goods or services.

Salvage Value

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Also known as Residual Value. The estimated value of an asset, for example a piece of machinery, which is to be scrapped or removed.


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In a court of law, the practice by a lawyer of not mentioning a possible error which has occurred during a trial in the hope that it goes unnoticed and the lawyer can then use it as a basis for appeal.

Sandwich Course

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In the UK, an educational course, sometimes lasting three or four years, which involves alternate periods of study, e.g. at university, and periods of work experience in business or industry.


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A derogatory term for an employee who refuses to join a trade union, or who continues to work during a strike at their workplace. Also describes someone who accepts work or replaces a union worker during a strike.


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The ability of a computer network, software, etc., to expand and adapt to increased demands of users. A system which can work on a small or large scale according to demand.