Retail Park

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Usually situated on the outskirts of a large town, a large retail development consisting of shops, stores, car parking, and often cinemas and restaurants.

Retail Price Index

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RPI. An inflation indicator, usually calculated on a monthly basis, reflected in the retail price of everyday goods, such as food, fuel, fares, etc.


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A business or individual who sells products or services directly to the customer.

Retained Earnings

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The earnings of a business or company which is used for reinvestment, rather than being distributed to shareholders as dividends.

Retained Profits

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A business profit, after tax and dividend payments to shareholders, which is retained by the business and often used for reinvestment.


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A fee paid in advance to someone, such as a lawyer, to engage their services as and when they are required.

Return On Assets

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ROA. Net income divided by total cost or value of assets. The more expensive a company’s assets, the less profit the assets will generate.