Bubble Economy

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An unstable boom when the economy experiences an unusually rapid growth, with rising share prices and increased employment.


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Allocation of funds or the estimation of costs for a department, project, etc., over a specific period. The management of spending and saving money.

Built To Flip

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Companies which have been sold soon after they have been created, so that money can be made quickly.

Bull Market

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On the Stock Market, a prolonged period in which share prices are rising and investors are buying.

Business Angel

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Also known as Private Investor. A, usually wealthy, individual who invests money in developing (often high risk) companies, and who provides their advice, skills, knowledge and contacts in return for an equity share of the business.

Business Plan

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A written document which sets out a business’s plans and objectives, and how it will achieve them, e.g. by marketing, development, production, etc.


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Purchase of a company where outside investors buy more than 50% of the shares, so they can take over the company.