Quality Assurance

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QA. A system in which the delivery of a service or the quality of a product is maintained to a high standard, especially by means of attention to every stage of the process.

Quality Circle

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Originating in Japan, a group of workers in a company who meet regularly to discuss ways in which to improve working conditions for employees and productivity for the company.

Quantity Surveyor

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In the UK, a professional who works in the construction industry, whose job is to calculate the cost of materials, labour, etc., needed to complete a project.

Quarter Day

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In the UK, a fixed day of each quarter of the year on which certain payments, such as rents, are due.


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A form containing a list of research or survey questions for people to answer, so that information can be gathered for analysis-


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The minimum number of people who must attend a meeting in order for valid business to be conducted. The term is from the 15th/16th century and the earliest use of English, specifically from the Latin phrase used at the start of commissions for committee members, “quorum vos … unum esse volumus,” loosely meaning, “of whom […]


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An official allocation of something, or a limited amount of people allowed. A fixed amount of something, e.g. sales, which must be reached.


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Research and Development. Investigative work carried out by a business to improve and develop products and processes.