Brain Drain

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The loss of highly skilled people to another region, country or industry, where they can work in a better environment and/or earn more money.


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A unique identifying symbol, trademark, company name, etc., which enables a buyer to distinguish a product or service from its competitors.

Brand Loyalty

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When a consumer repeatedly buys a particular brand of product and is reluctant to switch to another brand.

Break Even

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To make enough money to cover costs. In business, the point at which sales equals costs. To make neither a profit or loss.


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The practice of pursuing a tactic or method to the point of danger or damage, typically employed in competitive situations in which it is felt that the tactic will unsettle or cause the withdrawal of the adversary/ies. Dervies from the word brink, meaning the edge of a cliff or other dangerously high point.

British Standards Institution

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BSI. An organisation which sets out formal guidelines to help businesses, etc., produce or perform more efficiently and safely. The BSI operates in more than 25 countries, and represent UK interests in other organisations, such as the ISO- International Organisation For Standardization.


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Previously developed land, either commercial or industrial, which has been cleared for redevelopment.