
Posted on

The rate at which goods are produced based on how long it takes, how many workers are required, how much capital and equipment is needed, etc.

Professional Liability

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The legal liability of a professional, such as a doctor, accountant, lawyer, etc., who causes loss, harm or injury to their clients while performing their professional duties.

Profit Sharing

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An incentive scheme in which a business shares some of its profit , usually in cash or shares, with its employees.

Profit Squeeze

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A situation in which a company or business makes less profit over a period of time because of rising costs and/or falling prices.


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part of an organization with assignable revenues and costs and hence ascertainable profitability. A business division or department or unit which is responsible for producing a profit.


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An organisation or individual who makes excessive profits by charging very high prices for goods which are in short supply.

Program Trading

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On the Stock Market, the buying and selling of large amounts of shares by computer, the program of which is triggered when trading reaches a certain level of volume.


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Preventing or discouraging something, for example people are discouraged from buying a product because the price is prohibitive, i.e., too high.

Project Manager

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A person responsible for planning and delivering or A person in overall charge of the planning and execution of a particular project.-