
Posted on

On a computer screen, a small window containing an advertisement, etc., which appears on a page on top of the content which is being viewed.

Pork Barrel

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A US political term for when government funds are used for projects which benefit certain local groups or constituents, and show their political representative in a good light.


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On the Internet, a website, usually a search engine, which is the point of entry to other websites, and offers services such as e-mail, news, shopping, etc.


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A collection of investments, such as shares, bonds, etc., which are owned by an individual or organisation.


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Term used to describe the way a company, product, service, etc., is marketed in order to make it stand out from the competition by choosing a niche according to brand, price, packaging, etc.

Postage And Packing

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Called Postage and Handling in the US. The cost of wrapping an item and sending it by post. Often used for mail order goods.