Pink Collar

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Describes jobs which were once traditionally done by women, such as nursing, secretarial, teaching, etc.

Pink Sheets

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Formally known as Pink Quote. In the US, a system displaying over the counter shares, which is published every day. Most companies listed on the Pink Sheets are very small and do not meet the minimum requirements for trading on the Stock Exchange.


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The unauthorised copying of CDs, DVDs, computer programs, etc., in order to sell them or give them away.


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Short for Picture Element. The smallest element of an image displayed on a computer screen. The quality of the image depends on the number of pixels per square inch, i.e., the more pixels the higher the resolution.

Planned Economy

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A country’s economic system controlled by the government, which makes all the decisions about production, distribution and consumption of goods and services.


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In retailing, a drawing or diagram which shows when and how products should be displayed in a store.


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Interestingly, in physics, plasma is the often overlooked fourth state of matter, aside from solid, liquid and gas. Plasma is ionized gas containing free electrons, making it responsive to electromagnetism, and conductive of electricity, in turn enabling it to take a very visible physical shape unlike other forms of gas. The stars are made of […]


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Named after merchant Samuel Plimsoll. International Load line or Waterline on the hull of every cargo ship, which indicates the maximum depth to which a ship can be safely loaded with cargo.