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Promotion of the welfare of others, typically through financial provision (a philanthorpist is one who does this). From the Greek philanthropos, meaning man-loving.


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The branch of knowledge which deals with the study of the history of language and literature. Historical linguistics.


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A type of fraud carried out on the internet by sending people legitimate-looking e-mails asking for their personal information, such as bank account details, passwords, etc., and using them to steal their money.

Physical Capital

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Refers to a company’s assets which are used in a production process, such as machinery, buildings, materials, etc.


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A person, or persons, posted at the entrance of a place of work which is affected by a strike, in order to stop people entering the premises.


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Also called a Pictograph. A graphic symbol or diagram which represents a concept, an amount, an activity, etc., in pictures.

Pie Chart

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A chart or graph which is circular in shape and divided into triangular sections (like slices of a pie), the sizes of which are relative to the quantities represented.

Piece Rate

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A payment system in which employees are paid a fixed rate for each item they produce.


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Work in which payment is based on the amount of work done regardless of the time it takes to do it.


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A system which rides on the back of an existing system, e.g. a loan or mortgage or an advertising campaign.