Bonus Culture

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Term used when companies give their executives huge bonuses in addition to their large salaries, even if their performance has been poor, especially leaders of financial institutions.


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The recording of a business’s transactions, such as sales, purchases, payments, income, etc.


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Believed to have started in France, the unlawful imprisonment of a boss, in the offices of a company or on the site of a corporation, by employees who are protesting against redundancy, closure of the company, etc.


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In economics a bounce is a small quick partial recovery of the economy after a recession, which may subsequently continue upwards in growth, or plateau neither growing or contracting, or descend back into recession.

Bounty Hunter

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In the US, someone who pursues criminals or fugitives and brings them to the police in exchange for a monetary reward.

Boutique Hotel

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A small individual hotel, commonly within a historic building, with luxurious stylish themed and furnished rooms, typically independently owned.