Finland – Customs and Import duty tax calculation method

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Customs Duties or Import dutyA tax charged on certain goods which are brought into a coun... and taxes will be pending and need to be cleared while importing goods into Finland whether by a private individual or a commercial entity.

The valuation method is CIF.

Below table provide the Duty and Sales taxKnown as VAT (Value Added Tax) in the UK. A tax based on the... for Finland:

Duty Rates Sales Tax(GST) Threshold on goods
0% to 17% VAT=24%, VAT=VAT%(CIF + duty + taxes)(For mre information check below) Duty and VAT is excluded if FOB is less than EUR150 and EUR22 respectively.

VAT Rates in Finland

The general VAT rate is 24%. A reduced rate of 14% is applied to food and animal feed. The reduced VAT rate of 14% also applies to restaurant and catering services. A reduced VAT rate of 10% is applied to certain goods and services (e.g. books, subscriptions of newspapers and magazines lasting one month or longer, accommodation, passenger transport).

A zero rate applies in certain instances (e.g. intra-Community supplies of goods and exports of goods). Additionally, certain services (e.g. financial services, insurance services, and certain educational services) are exempted from VAT.

  • For Tobacco and alcohol excise duty will be charged.
  • For more information on excise duty and other charges in Finland please refer Finland Corporate – Other taxes website.
  • Extra charges will levied on investigation of imported goods.