El Salvador – Customs and Import duty tax calculation method

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Customs Duties or Import dutyA tax charged on certain goods which are brought into a coun... and taxes will be pending and need to be cleared while importing goods into El-Salvador whether by a private individual or a commercial entity.

The valuation method is CIF.

Below table provide the Duty and Sales taxKnown as VAT (Value Added Tax) in the UK. A tax based on the... for El-Salvador:

Duty Rates Average Duty Rate Sales Tax(GST) Threshold on goods
0% to 164% 9For more information see below) 15% VAT=13% VAT=VAT%(CIF + duty + excise (if applicable)) No Threshold

Duty Rates in El-Salvador

In El Salvador, the Arancel Centroamericano de Importación (Central America Import DutyA tax charged on certain goods which are brought into a coun...) is applied, which is constituted in the Sistema Arancelario Centroamericano (SAC) (Duty Central American System) and its correspondent duties for import.

  • A taxA fee imposed by a government on personal or corporate incom... is levied on domestically produced or imported alcohol and spirits at rates ranging from USD 0.09 to USD 0.16 for each 1% of alcohol volume per litre or in proportion thereof. Spirits and alcohol also have an ad valorem taxA fee imposed by a government on personal or corporate incom... levied at the rate of 8% over the suggested selling priceThe amount of money required to purchase something or to bri... to the public, excluding VAT.
  • Alcohol, Fireworks and Tobacco TaxA fee imposed by a government on personal or corporate incom... is levied as an ad valorem and specific taxA fee imposed by a government on personal or corporate incom... on (CIF + duty + taxA fee imposed by a government on personal or corporate incom...).
  • For more information on please refer Excise duties and other taxes website.