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Customs or Import duty for Dog supplies to Spain

The Customs or Import duty for Dog supplies to Spain is classified under Health & Beauty(cdf categories).

The HSCODE applied for Dog supplies is 34-1-11-0-0

The tax is applied on the total sum of item cost, insurance cost and shipment cost.

The custom/import taxes are:

General duty is 0%

Special Tariff rate 1 is NULL

Special Tariff rate 2 is NULL

Special Tariff rate 3 is NULL

Special Tariff rate 4 is NULL

Special Tariff rate 5 is NULL

Special Tariff rate 6 is NULL

Special Tariff rate 7 is NULL

Special Tariff rate 8 is NULL

Special Tariff rate 9 is NULL

Special Tariff rate 10 is NULL

Special Tariff rate 11 is NULL

Special Tariff rate 12 is NULL

Special Tariff rate 13 is NULL

Special Tariff rate 14 is NULL

Special Tariff rate 15 is NULL

Special Tariff rate 16 is NULL

Special Tariff rate 17 is NULL

Special Tariff rate 18 is NULL

Special Tariff rate 19 is NULL

Special Tariff rate 20 is NULL

Special Tariff rate 21 is NULL

Special Tariff rate 22 is NULL

Special Tariff rate 23 is NULL

Special Tariff rate 24 is NULL

Special Tariff rate 25 is NULL

Special Tariff rate 26 is NULL

Special Tariff rate 27 is NULL

Special Tariff rate 28 is NULL

Special Tariff rate 29 is NULL

The average VAT rate applicable in Spain is 0.21

Note: If the special tariff rate is NULL then general duty is applicable.

The other taxes applicable are:

Excise duty

To know more information on which tariff rate is applicable from the country you are importing to, look here

To get the accurate amount, calculate here

Calculation method:

Customs Duties or Import duty and taxes will be pending and need to be cleared while importing goods into Spain whether by a private individual or a commercial entity.

The valuation method is CIF.

Below table provide the Duty and Sales tax for Spain :

Duty Rates Average Duty Rate Sales Tax(GST) Threshold on goods
0% to 17% (Some electronic goods are duty free) NA NA Duty and VAT is not charged if FOB value is not exceeding 150 Euro and 22 Euro respectively

How VAT is calculated.

The standard VAT rate for importing items into Spain is 21%

VAT = VAT% (value of the goods + international shipping costs + insurance +import duty)

Below table provides minimum threshold level and VAT

Price of shipment including transport Duties General Percentage general applied
Internet purchases (when sender is a company) Less than 22 Euro Non-taxable 0 % duties – 0 % VAT
Internet purchases (when sender is a company) Greater than 22 less or equal to 150 Euro Should pay duty but not Taxes 0 % duties – 21 % VAT
Shipments between individuals [2] Less or equal to 45 Euro Non-taxable 0 % duties – 0 % VAT
Shipments between individuals [2] Greater than 45 Euro Should pay Duties and Taxes 2,5 % duties – 21 % VAT
  • Excise duty is payable for goods like, example tobacco and alcohol.
  • Additional fees levied for performing any required examinations and testing of the imported goods.
  • The related link will give more information or insight of the Spanish customs and taxes. Spain visa

Prohibited Items:

  • Antiques (breakable and/or fragile)
  • Asbestos
  • Furs
  • Hazardous or combustible materials (as defined in IATA Regulations)
  • Drugs: non-prescription
  • Gambling devices
  • Imitation and pirated products
  • Melatonin
  • Playing cards
  • Pornography
  • Shark Cartilage
Other related items:

Cosmetic set
Dog supplies
Adult toys
Vitamins and supplements
Personal massager
Health & beauty supplements supplements in capsules
Womens health supplement
Food supplement – sugar-free & fat-free
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Electronic health goods
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