Brunei Darussalam – Trade Statistics

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  • Brunei is the 89th largest export economyThe management of money, currency and trade of a nation. The... in the world. In 2014, Brunei exported $10.8B and imported $4.17B, resulting in a positive tradeThe buying and selling or exchange of goods and services. Th... balance of $6.59B. In 2014 the GDP of Brunei was $17.1B and its GDP per capitaFor each person in the population. Per head. An expression o... was $71.2k.
  • The top exports of Brunei are Petroleum Gas ($5.4B), Crude Petroleum ($4.47B), Vitamins ($243M), Acyclic Alcohols ($218M) and Diamonds ($100M), using the 1992 revision of the HS (Harmonized System) classification.
  • Its top imports are Refined Petroleum ($381M), Cars ($290M), Passenger and Cargo Ships ($204M), Gold ($198M) and Industrial Fatty Acids, Oils and Alcohols ($71.1M).
  • The top export destinations of Brunei are Japan ($3.99B), South Korea ($1.19B), India ($943M), Australia ($829M) and Thailand ($599M).
  • The top import origins are Malaysia ($779M), Singapore ($772M), China ($614M), the United States ($325M) and the United Kingdom ($316M).
  • Brunei-Darussalam holds a place of 84th out of 189 popular countries(economically) in case of doing a business in country.’Getting Credit’ is one of the topics in which Brunei-Darussalam has increased it’s ranking from 90 to 79 and country has also increased it’s ranking from 181 to 74 in case of ‘Starting a Business’.