Normally referring to the economyThe management of money, currency and trade of a nation. The... of a country, inflationNormally referring to the economy of a country, inflation is... is the gradual increase in the priceThe amount of money required to purchase something or to bri... of goods and/or services, and the consequential devaluing of the national currency. InflationNormally referring to the economy of a country, inflation is... is typically up to 10%, or more unusually approaching 20% per year. Minimising inflationNormally referring to the economy of a country, inflation is... is normally a high priority within national fiscal policyA government policy to regulate a nation's annual economic a... since higher levels of inflationNormally referring to the economy of a country, inflation is... cause a variety of economic and business problems. See also deflationEconomic decline typified by falling costs of goods and serv... and hyperinflationAn extraordinarily high rate of economic inflation during wh....