Parent Company

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A company or organisation which owns more than 50% of the voting shares in another company, therefore the Parent Company controls management and operations in the other (subsidiary) company.

Part Exchange

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Known in the US as Trade-In. A payment method, usually when purchasing a car, in which the buyer gives something they own, for example a car, as part payment to the vendor for the more expensive item. The balance is usually paid in cash or with a loan.

Part-Time Worker

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Someone who works less hours than a full time employee on a permanent basis for a company, usually for a set number of hours a week.


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A business which is owned by two or more people, all sharing the profits and responsibility for managing the business.

Party Plan

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Also called Party Selling. A method of marketing in which agents host parties, usually at someone’s home, to demonstrate and sell products to invited potential customers.


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A computer language which is used to write programs, also used in teaching programming.

Passing Trade

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Describes customers who go into a shop, public house, etc., because they notice it as they are passing by.


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An official document which grants an inventor or manufacturer sole rights to an invention or product.

Patent Pending

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A phrase sometimes printed on goods to show that a patent has been applied for but not yet granted.