
Posted on

A situation which occurs when a company expands its business too quickly and does not have enough capital to pay expenses, such as debts, wages, etc., which often results in liquidation.

Own Brand

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Known as House Brands in the US and Home Brands in Australia. Products which are sold by a retailer under the retailer’s own name, rather than the name of the manufacturer.

P and P (P&P)

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Postage and Packing. In the UK, The cost of packing and sending goods, usually added to the price of mail-order goods.


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Peer-to-peer is a model for computer connectivity and file-

Package Deal

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A set of several products which are offered for sale and must be bought in a combined package.


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Materials used to wrap a product. The way in which something, such as a product, person, proposal, etc., is presented, usually to the public.

Page Break

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On a computer screen, a mark which indicates where a new page will be printed in a document.