Ordinary Creditor

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A creditor who has no priority or security if a company which owes them money goes bankrupt. Therefore, they will be paid only after other creditors have been paid.

Ordinary Resolution

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A resolution accepted and passed by a company’s shareholders by a simple majority, i.e., more than 50%, at a shareholders meeting or by a signed postal resolution which has been sent to the shareholders.

Ordinary Share

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Also called Common Stock. A share in a company which entitles the owner to a share in the company’s profits, and the right to vote at shareholders meetings.

Organic Growth

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Describes when a company develops and expands by increasing output and/or sales through its own activities, rather than by a merger or acquisitions (buying other companies).-


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Also called Organisation Chart. A diagram which shows the structure of a business or organisation, showing connections between departments, jobs, etc.

Orphan Product

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In medicine, a test, device, drug, etc., which may be useful for certain rare diseases or disorders but is not financially viable, so is therefore not developed for commercial use.

Orphaned Technology

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A term which refers to computer products, programs, etc., which have been abandoned or not marketed by their developers.