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The difference in the price of producing a product and the price it sells for, calculated as a percentage, i.e., profit margin.

Margin Account

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An account held by an investor with a broker in which the broker lends the investor money to purchase shares, etc., which are then used as collateral against the loan.

Margin Call

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A demand by a broker for an investor to bring his margin account up to the minimum level required by depositing additional money, shares, securities, etc.

Marginal Productivity

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The additional output of a product, etc., which is produced as a result of adding one unit of a resource, for example labour input, in the production process.


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The amount a producer, retailer, etc., puts on the price of the goods or services they are selling in order to make a profit. To raise the price of an item which is for sale.


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The commercial activity of buying and selling goods and services. The customers who buy goods and services.

Market Basket

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A way of measuring the cost of living. A collection of products or services which consumers buy on a regular basis, and the prices which are paid for them.

Market Control

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A situation in which the quantity and/or price of goods or services is influenced by buyers or sellers.