Machine Code

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Also known as Machine Language. A computer language, which consists only of numbers, that can be read and interpreted by a computer’s central processing unit (CPU).-


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In a computer, a single instruction which results in a complete series of more detailed instructions being put into effect.


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A catalogue which appears to be a magazine, used for marketing purposes.

Magic bullet

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A simple effective solution to a serious or complex problem, especially in medicine, for example a cure for a disease. The simplicity is for users, not necessarily for the developers. See also Silver Bullet, basically the same meaning.

Mail Merge

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The process of automatically personalising a customised letter or document by using a list of individual names and addresses, so the same letter can be sent to many people.

Mail Order

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The purchasing or selling of goods over the Internet, telephone, from catalogues, etc., which are delivered to the customer by mail.


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Also known as ‘Big Iron’. A large powerful central computer to which a network of smaller computers are connected, used commonly by large organisations.


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A term applied to activities, ideas, products/services, etc., that are used/followed/supported by most people. Mainstream basically means ‘commonly used by people’. Mainstream as a marketing term is the opposite to ‘niche’ or specialised. Interestingly while ‘mainstream’ seems like a relatively modern word, it’s actually existed in this sense since about 1830.