
Posted on

A term used during an industrial dispute, when management closes down a workplace and bars employees from entering until they agree to certain terms and conditions.

Long Grass

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To ‘Kick something into the long grass’ means to push a problem aside in the hope that it will be ignored or forgotten.

Long Position

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A situation in which an investor or dealer holds onto shares, etc., which they have purchased, expecting them to rise in value in the future.


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An unintentional mistake in a contract or a law which allows people to evade an obligation in the contract, or to get round the law without actually breaking it.


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In films, TV programs, etc., the process of dubbing the original film footage by synching (lining it up) with new or replacement dialogue.

Loss Leader

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In retail, a product which is offered at a very low price to attract customers who will then buy other goods which will produce more profit for the retailer.

Low Hanging Fruit

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A term used in business for something which is easily obtainable and highly visible, and provides a quick easy way to making a profit.

Low Yield

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A term used to describe investments which are low risk and do not produce a high level of income.

Loyalty Card

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A card given to customers by a retailer which gives the customer points, etc., every time they shop there. These points convert into vouchers which the customer can spend at the store at a later date.