Letter Of Comfort

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A letter of approval written to a bank by a parent company on behalf of a subsidiary company which needs financial backing.

Letter Of Indemnity

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A document in which an individual, company, etc., guarantees to protect another from costs, liability, etc., as a result of certain actions which may be carried out.


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Debts which are owed to someone, obligations or responsibilities which are legally binding.


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A legal right to take and keep another persons property until a debt has been paid by the property owner.

Life Tables

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Also called Mortality Tables. Tables which show peoples life expectancy, depending on their age, lifestyle, etc., often used by insurance companies.


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An emergency loan offered to a company or bank which is in financial trouble.

Lightning Strike

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A sudden strike by workers, with little or no warning. These strikes are often short in duration and usually without official union backing.

Limited Company

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In the UK, a company that has a name ending in ‘Ltd.’ The owners of these companies have limited liability if the company gets into debt.

Limited Liability

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In law, the owners and/or shareholders of a limited company only lose the amount they have invested if the company gets into debt.