
Posted on

A bribe or illegal payment made to someone in exchange for a successful referral for a job or transaction.

Killer App

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Short for Killer Application. Derives from the computer industry. A new product or service which is the first in its category and therefore dominates that particular market, creating huge returns on the initial investment.

Knowledge Base

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In a computer system, a database with a store of information, facts and rules which can be used for problem-solving.

Knowledge Worker

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Also known as an Intellectual Worker. A person who is employed by a company to use their brain and intellect to work with information, rather than performing manual tasks.

Labour Intensive

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A job requiring a lot of work, and often a lot of workers, in comparison to the costs of materials, equipment, etc.

Labour Law

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Also known as Employment Law. Legislation which defines the legal rights and obligations of employees in the workplace.


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Freight or cargo carried by a large vehicle. The act of loading cargo onto a ship.