Job Costing

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A system of calculating the cost of each individual job or project carried out by a business, includes time, labour, materials, etc.

Job Lock

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A situation in which a person feels they cannot leave their job because they are afraid of losing benefits connected to the job.

Job Protected Leave

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Allows people to officially take time off from their work for a longer period without the fear of losing their job, often because of illness or pregnancy.

Job Sharing

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A work schedule in which two or more people voluntary do one full-time job, sharing the work and dividing the hours between them.

Joint Stock Company

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A company or organisation owned by joint shareholders, which is a type of corporation and partnership. The stockholders run the company and share its profits and debts.

Junk Bond

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Also known as High Yield Bonds. A high risk bond with a high interest rate, often used by companies to raise finances in order to take over other companies.

Kerb Market

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In the US, the buying and selling of shares in companies which are not listed on the stock exchange. In the UK, the buying and selling of stocks and shares outside official trading hours.


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Term which is used to describe the police tactic of penning protesters into an area by forming a barrier around them and refusing to let them out.

Key Account

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In business, a company’s main client or customer, who represents a large percentage of the company’s income.

Keyword Advertising

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Used on the Internet. When a user types in a particular ‘keyword’, an advertisement which is linked to a business relevant to that word, is displayed alongside the search engine results.