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A person employed by a large company to work independently to develop new projects and business within the company.

Intrinsic Value

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The actual or real value of a business, commodity, asset, etc., rather than the market value or share price.


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A new device, process, product, etc., which has been created and developed by an individual or a group.


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Money or capital that is invested in a business or in an account with a financial institution in order to make a profit or earn interest.


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‘Invisible’ services of a country, such as banking, tourism, insurance, etc, of which the buying and selling are from international trade.

Island Position

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An advertisement or commercial which is surrounded by text, or placed between TV programs, with no other advertisements, so it has no competition.

Issue Price

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On the Stock Exchange, the price at which a new share, stock, etc., is offered to the public.


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Japanese Association of Securities Dealers Automated System. Japanese securities exchange, the headquarters of which are situated in Tokyo.